multimedia » Spirituality/Meditation
The Road Home Podcast: Evolving Dharma
Jay Michaelson joins Ethan Nichtern to discuss integrating The Dharma into our modern lives. Podcast: Jay Michaelson and Robert Wright on Mysticism and Unitive Experiences
Jay Michaelson and Robert Wright discuss why Jay embarked on a path of mysticism
Enlightenment by Trial and Error: Dan Harris and Jay Michaelson at the Rubin Museum of Art
Dan Harris interviews Jay about his new book Enlightenment by Trial and Error.
Coming Out of the Casket
Jay joins Myq Kaplan for a wide-ranging chat about heresy, neurosis, and lots of other things.
Engineering Enlightenment: Next-Generation Mindfulness in a Transhuman Future
Woodenfish Forum: "Buddhism and New Technology," Shanghai, China; June 12, 2017
The Future of Buddhism | The Jay Forrest Show
Dr. Jay Michaelson discusses the future of Buddhism in the West with host Jay Forrest.