Scholar in Residence at Shir Tikvah, Minneapolis, MN: iSpirituality
at Shir Tikvah
5000 Girard Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN
More Info / Registration
Join Jay Michaelson for his first visit to Minneapolis as he joins Shir Tikvah as scholar-in-residence.
On Friday night at 8pm, Jay will be giving the Schlesinger Lecture on “iSpirituality, or, How I learned to stop worrying and love the 21st century.”
Saturday at 1pm Jay will be leading a workshop on “Getting Serious about Your Meditation Practice: How to do it, why to do it, and where you can go with it”
Saturday night at 7pm, Jay will be giving a lecture on “The Religious Case for Equality: Why “Gay Rights” Are Everybody’s Business”
Programs are free. Â Please contact Shir Tikvah for more details.
Jay will be teaching on Friday night and Saturday afternoon.