Un-Teshuvah: The Heresy of Jacob Frank

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at Judaism Unbound UnYeshiva

Online via Zoom
More Info / Registration

At this Solemn Time Of Piety And Repentance, you may find yourself wondering “why are we doing this?”  If so, you are not alone; the great Jewish heretic, Jacob Frank (1725-94) made defiance of Jewish religious law a centerpiece of his radical movement.  Though Frank emerged from the Kabbalistically-infused world of failed messiah Sabbetai Zevi and his followers, his philosophy was different, its strictures hold you back, and God wants you to be bold, brash, and sexually voracious.  In these sessions, based on Rabbi Dr. Michaelson’s brand new book The Heresy of Jacob Frank: From Jewish Messianism to Esoteric Myth, we’ll explore Frank’s antinomianism: the view that defying the law and breaking free from guilt is morally good.

This three session class will take place September 7, 14, and 21, and is part of the Judaism Unbound UnYeshiva.

Registration details will be posted soon.