Now What? Judaism, Social Justice, and Spirituality in the New Age of Anxiety
at Oakland University (online)
More Info / Registration
Even before 2020, American Judaism was in a period of rapid change and fragmentation. Longstanding identities, organizations, ideologies, and political commitments (to Israel, to American liberalism) have all come under significant strain and questioning.
One of those shifts has been the rise of the ‘spiritual but not religious” and the “nones” (those who claim no religious affiliation). Increasingly, American Jews, like other non-traditional American religionists, have taken pragmatic, eclectic, and functionalist approaches to their religious lives, although much of this has taken place away from traditional Jewish contexts.
2020 likely changed everything–we just don’t know how just yet.
In this talk, Rabbi Dr. Jay Michaelson, who, over the past twenty years, has played a significant role in some the shifts described above, will offer some informed speculation on how the Covid-19 pandemic, racial justice uprisings, 2020 election, and devastating climate change might be affecting how American Jews conceive of the place of religion in their lives, and how some forms of Jewish engagement may be revalued in the years to come.
Presented by the Cis Maisel Center for Judaic Studies and Community Engagement at Oakland University.
Registration is free but advance registration is required here.