Nehirim West

at Walker Creek Ranch

Petaluma, CA
More Info / Registration

Nehirim West Gathering is a shabbaton (think “weekend getaway”) composed of heartfelt connection, soulful community and spiritual conversation, culture, food, fun for LGBT Jews, partners, and allies.

The Gathering is co-sponsored by Congregation Netivot Shalom, Congregation Sha’ar Zahav, LGBT Alliance, Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund, Progressive Jewish Alliance, Jewish Fund for Justice, Keshet and other friends.

WHEN?  Friday to Sunday, March 1—3, 2013

WHO?   Nehirim shabbatons generally attract 100—150 LGBT Jews (plus straight allies and non-Jewish partners) from across the religious-ideological spectrum, ranging in age from 18-70 (usually, most are in their 20s-40s), and with a wide variety of gender and sexual orientation identities. Transgender nice Jewish boys, avowed atheists, couples and singles, men, women, and the rest of us — there are people like you at Nehirim!

PARTICIPATE: The Gathering is community-led and teaching opportunities are available. What would you like to teach or share? Our presenters come from a broad range of religious and secular backgrounds. Rabbis, drag queens, university professors, queer activists — some of the most innovative and interesting queer Jewish folks from Northern (and even