Celebrating Gender Diversity in Jewish Text, Tradition, and Theology | Bet Am Shalom, White Plains NY

at Bet Am Shalom (and online)

White Plains, NJ
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As gay and lesbian lives were a generation ago, transgender lives are, today, the subject of intense debate, persecution, and ignorance in our society.  And, to be sure, the realities of trans experience are new to many of us.  But while the categories and technologies of trans identities are new, gender non-conformity is found throughout history – and the Jewish tradition.  Following the classic Jewish taxonomy of God, Torah, and Israel, this celebration of gender diversity will explore the spectrum of gender as it appears in Biblical heroes, Jewish ethics, and even theology.  No one will be shamed or canceled in this talk!  Rather, we’ll take on this exploration in the spirit of curiosity, joy, and personal growth.