Mysteryland Festival | Bethel Woods, NY
at Woodstock ’69 Grounds
Bethel Woods, NY
More Info / Registration
Jay will be giving two talks at the Mysteryland Festival this year (check website for exact times):
Evolving Dharma: Brainhacking, Meditation, and How to Have Mind-Blowing Mystical States without Drugs — and then get over them
There are one million new meditators in America every year. And this is just the beginning: as the neuroscientific data on meditation becomes more widely known, contemplative practice is set to explode.
But what is meditation, really, and how does it work? What are some of the mind-blowing, heart-opening experiences that arise as part of the serious contemplative path? And why does someone who has had many of those experiences say they are Not The Point?
Queer Yourself: Why U are the New LGBT
Hopefully most of us at Mysteryland are supportive of LGBT people, same-sex marriage, and so on. But the fun is just getting started. Come hear about queer post-identity, sex-positivity, post-conventional sexuality, anti-heteronormativity, and ways you yourself will be the star of the next sexual revolution.