Yes We Can! How to Have Productive Conversations About LGBT Equality
at Creating Change Conference
255 Courtland Street NE
Atlanta, GA
More Info / Registration
The 25th National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change is coming to Atlanta, Georgia, and the Hilton Atlanta, January 23—27, 2013.
Creating Change is the premier annual organizing and skills-building event for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community and their allies. The conference is run by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and attracts more than 2,500 people from all over the country every year. Presenters and participants come from all walks of life and include members of the business community, elected officials, students, faith leaders, and staff and volunteers of non-profit organizations.
The five-day program features over 350 workshops and training sessions, four plenary sessions, and tons of networking opportunities. Jay will be teaching “Yes We Can! How to Have Productive Conversations about LGBT Equality… even with mean people” on Friday, January 25, at 9 am:
Often, many of us find ourselves as “involuntary activists” on issues of LGBT rights and inclusion. And often, many of us become dispirited at the challenges of having conversations with people with whom we disagree. Can we do better? You bet we can! In this empowering workshop, longtime LGBT religious activist and founder of Nehirim Jay Michaelson will share seven proven ways to have better conversations about religion and sexuality, based on his work with successful marriage equality campaigns in Minnesota and Maryland. By identifying where change can (and cannot) happen, we can make measurable progress — even with people who seem dead set in their ways.