Scholar in Residence at CBST

at Congregation Beth Simchat Torah
296 9th Avenue
New York, NY
More Info / Registration

Friday, March 16, 8:45 pm @ Chelsea Sanctuary
(Services including a drash from Jay are at 7pm. Discussion is after services.)

God vs. Gay? How to Make the Religious Case FOR Equality
Religious people should support equality for gays and lesbians not despite religion — but because of it. So writes Jay Michaelson in his new bestselling book God vs. Gay? The Religious Case for Equality (Beacon), which Publisher’s Weekly called “a salvo in the case for equality.” And many of us may feel similarly. But have you ever felt that talking with those who disagree can be like talking to a wall — an angry, hateful wall? Is there a better way to have this conversation? You bet there is. We can have a more productive conversation than a shouting match about Leviticus, and in this evening discussion, we’ll explore some ways to do that. Plenty of time will be allowed for questions and conversation.

Saturday, March 17, Lunch and Learn @ Bethune Street Sanctuary
(Services are from 10—12:30. Lunch from 12:30—2:30)

Beyond Leviticus: Queering God, Torah, and Israel
Progressive Jews are beyond “it’s okay to be gay” and have begun asking more interesting questions about the intersections of Judaism with queer sexualities and genders. Are there distinctively queer voices and perspectives which are beginning to enrich the Jewish conversation, much as women’s voices have done over the last generation? What are some of the ways to “queer” Jewish theological categories such as God, Torah, and Israel?