Scholar in Residence Weekend | University of Chicago
at The Newberger Hillel Center at the University of Chicago
5715 S. Woodlawn
Chicago, IL
Friday at 6pm, U Chicago Hillel
Alternative to “Services”: Kabbalat Shabbat Meditation
Using a variety of meditation practices, we’ll spend 45 minutes going through the journey of Kabbalat Shabbat, or receiving rest. If you participate, you will experience stillness, gratitude, and bliss. No meditation experience, weird beliefs, or touchy-feely vibes required.
Friday at 8pm, U Chicago Hillel
Reclaiming Pleasure: Food, Sex, and the Body in Jewish Spiritual Practice
Religion is sometimes thought of as antagonistic to the body, regulating (if not prohibiting) food, sex, and pleasure in the name of some spiritual or intellectual value. The reality is more complex: all religions have pro- and anti- embodiment aspects to them, and Judaism is no exception. This evening we’ll look at Jewish sources that celebrate, rather than repress, the pleasures of the body, talk about ways to reclaim those sources with integrity, and explore the uses of pleasure in a Jewish spiritual path.
Saturday at 1pm, Contact Congregation Or Chadash for location
I’m Just Not That Kind of God: How Queer Theology, like Feminist Theology, Will Change Judaism for the Better… and for Everyone
Saturday at 4pm, Makom Shalom
iSpirituality: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love 21st Century Judaism