God vs. Gay? The Religious Case for Equality | Houston
at Houston JCC
5601 S. Braeswood Blvd
Houston, TX
The myth that the Bible forbids homosexuality — the myth of “God versus Gay†— is behind the most divisive and painful conflicts of our time.  In his new book God vs. Gay? The Religious Case for Equality, scholar and activist Jay Michaelson shows that not only does the Bible not prohibit same-sex intimacy, it honors the values of love, justice, diversity, and compassion that equality for sexual minorities brings about. Michaelson says that religious people should support equality for gays and lesbians not despite their religion — but because of it.
This event will include a conversation with Michaelson about God vs. Gay and an opportunity to ask questions and share views on this highly contentious and important debate.
For more information and press inquiries, please contact Ross Schwartz at Schwartz & MacEntyre.