Everything is God: Exploring the New Jewish Spirituality in San Francisco

$5 in advance; $7 at the door
at Temple Beth Sholom
301 14th Avenue
San Francisco, CA

Join Congregation Beth Sholom, Zeek, and over twenty cosponsoring organizations, for a unique evening of discussion, connection, and celebration in honor of two new books, Forward and Huffington Post columnist Jay Michaelson’s Everything is God: The Radical Path of Nondual Judaism, and There Shall Be No Needy by Rabbi Jill Jacobs of the Jewish Funds for Justice.

Learn about new forms of Jewish spirituality & community with Rabbi Jill Jacobs (Jewish Funds for Justice), Jo Ellen Green Kaiser (Zeek), and Jay Michaelson. This fascinating panel discussion will explore how the generation of the iPod has begun to develop new responses to the crises of modernity and post-modernity. Neo-Hasidic hip-hop, independent prayer groups, the Jewish food movement, eco-kashrut, GLBT/queer Jewish organizations, and “integral Judaism” are some examples of this newest wave of Jewish spiritual reinvention. Are these developments new — or do they replay, in contemporary form, crises in Jewish identity we have seen in the Jewish past? Are they to be welcomed, or feared? This panel is a unique meeting of leading scholars of Jewish culture, and Jewish spiritual leaders.

Connect at a “county fair” of Jewish innovators from the Bay Area and around the country. Meet the people responsible for this new flowering of Jewish spiritual creativity! Organizations include the Bay Area Learning Initiative, East Bay Minyan, Makom Shalom, Merkavah Torah Institute, Nehirim: GLBT Jewish Culture & Spirituality, Netivot Shalom, NITA, Wilderness Torah, Zeek, and many more.

Celebrate with a kosher reception and book signing, and plenty of time to meet and mingle.

Schedule of Events:

7-8pm Panel Discussion

8-9pm County Fair, Reception and Book Signing

Tickets are $5 in advance, $8 at the door.

Tickets are on sale now — click here to purchase.

Click here for the Facebook Event page.