What is Jewish Enlightenment? A Nondual Tu B’Shevat Retreat
By donation
at Nishmat Hayyim at Temple Beth Zion
1566 Beacon Street
Brookline, MA
More Info / Registration
The Tu B’Shevat Seder was originated by Kabbalists who, in the wake of Sabbetai Sevi, sought to experience redemption not a historical event but as an immediate experience. They believed that it was possible to experience a state of messianic consciousness, and created new rituals and practices to attain it. These days, although we now have more spiritual technologies at our disposal than the Kabbalists did, we may not believe such awakening is possible for us. Let’s dispel that delusion. This afternoon — at the time of day the Kabbalists said was most favorable to spiritual awakening — we’ll work with Kabbalistic meditation (i.e., contemplation), directed inquiry into the nature of nonduality (i.e., “not-two-ness”), conversation, and Buddhist meditation to explore and perhaps experience awakened nonduality ourselves. We will ask the question of “what is Jewish enlightenment” and explore how the answer differs from enlightenment in other traditions. And, who knows, we might meet God.