Gays vs. God? LGBT Media Coverage of Faith & Religion
at LGBT Media Summit
Boston Park Plaza Hotel
Boston, MA
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Should LGBT media pay as much attention to faith and religious liberty as they do to law and politics? Our panelists certainly think so. How then is gay media doing in coverage of religious-based opposition to marriage and transgender equality? What aboiut reporting on faith-based support for LGBT rights and liberation? Are the stories of people of faith and their positive experiences receiving their due? Is gay media adequately monitoring the exportation of anti-gay religious-based hostility to Africa and elsewhere?
Chuck Colbert, Freelance
Jay Michaelson, The Arcus Foundation
Marianne Duddy-Burke, DignityUSA
Rabbi Devon Lerner, the Religious Coalition for the Freedom to Marry
Mycroft Masada Holmes, Interfaith Coalition for Trans Equality
Justin Lee, The Gay Christian NetworkÂ