Welcome! I’m a writer, journalist, professor, and rabbi.  I’m the author of ten books, most recently The Secret That Is Not A Secret. My book The Heresy of Jacob Frank: From Jewish Messianism to Esoteric Myth, won the National Jewish Book Award for scholarship.

As a journalist, I write articles for Rolling Stone, the Forward, and my Substack newsletter, and often appear on CNN. I was the Supreme Court columnist for The Daily Beast for eight years, and broke the story of Leonard Leo in 2018. I won the 2023 New York Society for Professional Journalists award for this piece on antisemitism.  Recent video & audio are here. Articles are here.

In the academic world, I hold a Ph.D. in Jewish Thought, a JD from Yale, and other degrees. My scholarly work focuses on mysticism, sexuality, law, and, lately, psychedelics. I’m a Field Scholar at the Emory Center for Psychedelics and Spirituality, and will be a visiting professor at Harvard Law School in Spring 2025.

Finally, I’m a rabbi and meditation teacher, working in Jewish, Buddhist, and secular mindfulness contexts (like Ten Percent Happier). I also speak and teach often at companies, universities, religious institutions, and the like.  Come visit me on Instagram or subscribe to my Substack newsletter, Both/And. Thanks for stopping by.